Thursday 2 December 2010


Tools have been well and truly downed this week due the snow. Work on site near Lincoln suspended, as I'm sure have the practice flights of the Red Arrows which we have been enjoying on a daily basis.

GDP may suffer but I suspect that snow is good for the soul, and what's more it can tell you a thing or two about your garden. If it has turned into a flat plain of white, punctuated occasionally by a mis-shapen clump of foliage, you may be in need of some backbone. By that I mean your garden could be lacking structure. A blanket of snow is very effective at revealing a garden's framwork, its skeleton. The hedges, topiary, evergreen shrubs and trees that are often forgotten when the flowers are stealing the show. But come winter they can provide much needed interest through their texture and form, and the structure they give. So next time you are making plans for your garden, spare some thought for those less glamorous, but essential elements, of a well designed garden.

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