Monday 6 September 2010

The Wood from the Trees

A recent visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) proved to be not only a very nice day out but also something of an inspiration. Sculpture of course has a well earned place in garden and landscape design and the permanent works by artists such as Henry Moore and Andy Goldsworthy that are dotted around the parkland in which the YSP is situated are of a scale that is in keeping with the setting.

Of particular interest currently though is the David Nash exhibition, which runs until 27th February 2011. It highlights the work of an artist who has dedicated 40 years to the understanding of wood, with work ranging from the monumental, such as 'Red Column' to the humorous, such as 'Running Table'. In all cases the results are beautiful and often intriguing, and may just tempt you to put 'chainsaw' and 'axe' on your christmas list!

Not all types of timber are suitable as garden sculptures and not everyone has the space or budget for a whole tree trunk but what Nash shows is that simply, even roughly, worked wood can have a strong scupltural presence, and its not all about size either. So the next time you are setting a bonfire or chopping logs you might just want to check that you are not about destroy a potential masterpiece.

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